following letter may be of interest to those who follow the Liturgy. This letter
is to the Abbot of Saint-Pierre de Solesmes (France), Dom Geoffroy Kemlin, from
the Holy Father on the anniversary of the death of SERVANT of GOD DOM
PROSPERO GUERANGER (Blog 11/21/2023).
you celebrate this year the 150th anniversary of the death of your founder, Dom
Prosper Guéranger, I am pleased to join in your thanksgiving. I wish to express
my encouragement and my affectionate closeness to those who have committed
their lives in the wake of this servant of the Church, or who are working to
make his life and work better known. Benedic anima mea Domino. This
verse from Psalm 102 was one of the last words he spoke before committing his
soul to the hands of the Father on 30 January 1875.
In evoking
Dom Guéranger, my predecessors have underlined the various expressions of his
charism received for the edification of the whole Church: his role as restorer
of Benedictine monastic life in France, his liturgical knowledge placed at the
service of the People of God, his ardent piety towards the Sacred Heart of
Jesus and the Virgin Mary, his work in support of the definition of the dogma
of the Immaculate Conception and that of papal infallibility, his writings in
defence of the freedom of the Church. I would also like to highlight two
aspects of this charism that correspond to two current needs of the Church:
fidelity to the Holy See and the Successor of Peter, particularly in the area
of liturgy, and spiritual paternity.
Guéranger was undoubtedly one of the first architects of the Liturgy Movement,
the fruit of which would be the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of
the Second Vatican Council. The historical, theological and ecclesiological
rediscovery of the liturgy as the language of the Church and an expression of
its faith was at the heart of his work, first as a diocesan priest and then as
a Benedictine monk. This rediscovery inspired in particular his publications
favouring the return of the dioceses of France to the unity of the Roman
liturgy, and it was this rediscovery that prompted him to write the volumes
of L’année liturgique in order to make available to priests
and lay people the beauty and riches of the liturgy, which is “the first
wellspring of Christian spirituality” (Apostolic Letter Desiderio
desideravi, no. 61). He strongly affirmed that “the prayer of the Church is
the most pleasing to the ear and heart of God, and therefore the most powerful.
Happy, then, is he who prays with the Church” (Preface to L’année
liturgique). May the example of Dom Guéranger inspire in the hearts of all
the baptised not only love for Christ and his Bride, but also filial trust and
docile collaboration cum Petro et sub Petro, so that the Church,
faithful to her living Tradition, may continue to raise “one and the same
prayer capable of expressing her unity” (Apostolic Letter Desiderio
desideravi, no. 61).

I would also
like to evoke another aspect of the charism of Dom Guéranger: spiritual
paternity. Attentive to the work of the Holy Spirit in souls, Dom Guéranger
wanted only one thing: to help them in their search for God. Shaped by the
Benedictine Rule and divine praise, his gentle and joyful confidence in God
touched the hearts of the monks who came to gather around him, the nuns who
benefited from his teachings, but also the men and women with responsibilities
in the Church and society, and above all the fathers and mothers of families,
the children, the little ones and the humble who sought his spiritual advice.
In times of peace, as in times of adversity, they all found in him the
strengthening or renewal of their faith, a taste for prayer and love of the
Church. May his example of docility to the Holy Spirit and of service inspire
and guide many of the faithful in the ways of the Lord, “meek and humble of
heart” (Mt 11:29).
I pray that
the work of the Servant of God Dom Guéranger may never cease to produce fruits
of holiness in all the faithful, and that it may also remain a living witness
to the fruitfulness of monastic life at the heart of the Church.
It is with
this wish that I impart my Blessing to you, Reverend Father, and to your
brothers of the Abbey of Saint-Pierre, to those of the Congregation of
Solesmes, and to all those who will take part in the commemorations of the return to God of Dom Prosper Guéranger. From
Saint John Lateran, January 31, 2025, FRANCIS