Wednesday, April 3, 2024




EX- ABBOT PRIMATE NOTKER WOLF died unexpectedly at the age of 83 3 April 2024 while traveling from Rome to his Abbey. He was a German Benedictine monk, priest, abbot, musician, and author. He was a member of St. Ottilien Archabbey located in Bavaria, Germany, which is part of the Benedictine Congregation of Saint Ottilien. He previously was elected and served as the ninth Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation of the Order of Saint Benedict. He was elected to his position as Abbot Primate in 2000 and ended his final term in 2016.

Abbot Notker Wolf was a practicing musician who recorded and played shows with his band Feedback. His band was often referred to as a Christian rock band, and he played guitar wearing a pectoral cross.  He loved the chant and also played the flute.  His passions included inter-religious dialogue, environmental issues, responsible immigration policies, and ethical leadership and management. He never retired but continued to write and travel, giving lectures.  He was known for his happy disposition.

An American monk, Father Gregory Polan Abbot of Conception Abbey in Missouri succeded him as Abbot Primate.

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