Thursday, June 6, 2024



Tomorrow and Saturday we celebrate the feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of His Mother Mary (Saturday).

Pope Francis announced yesterday that he is preparing a reflection, which will be published in September, on the Sacred Heart of Jesus for a world “that seems to have lost its heart”.

 “I am happy to prepare a document that brings together the valuable reflections of previous magisterial texts and a long history going back to the sacred Scriptures to re-propose today to the whole Church this devotion, full of spiritual beauty.

 The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, , reminds us of the need to respond to the redemptive love of Christ and invites us to entrust ourselves with confidence to the intercession of the Mother of the Lord.

 I believe it will do us much good to meditate on various aspects of the Lord’s love, which can illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal, which says something meaningful to a world that seems to have lost its heart.

 We ask the Lord, through the intercession of his mother, for peace: peace in the tormented Ukraine, peace in Palestine, Israel, peace in Myanmar.

 We pray that the Lord will give us peace and that the world will not suffer so much from war.”

 Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, have mercy on us!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, intercede for us!

Paintings by Josef Mehoffer - Polish (1911 & 1926)

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