Tuesday, October 15, 2024



SERVANT OF GOD FATHER BERNARD J. QUINN, was born in 1888 in Newark, New Jersey, to Irish immigrant parents, one of seven children.  The father, (also Bernard) supported his family as a longshoreman. They were poor but deeply religious and happy

Father Bernard  was the founding pastor of St. Peter Claver Church, the first parish established for Black Catholics in the Diocese of Brooklyn in 1922. Ten years later, in 1932, he opened the Church of St. Benedict the Moor in Jamaica, New York. Father Quinn was also the founder of Little Flower House of Providence Orphanage in Wading River, New York, the precursor of Little Flower Children’s Services. This was an enormous undertaking at the time, in an era when racism and prejudice were facts of life. In his first pastoral letter to his parishioners’ on June 1, 1922, Father Quinn pledged to”…willingly shed to the last drop, my life’s blood for the least among you.”

Bernard attended St. Michael’s school where his elementary school teacher, Sr. Modesta, D.C. had an enduring influence on him by teaching him how greatly Jesus loved him.  Bernard would feel the love of the Lord as an intimate friend for all his life. 

Inspired by the example of his parish priest, Fr. William Richmond, Bernard showed a strong interest in the priesthood and entered St. Charles College, a high school and college preparatory seminary in Ellicott City, Maryland.

Upon his graduation he was not lucky to be provided a place in a seminary to continue his studies for the priesthood in his diocese and was recommended to the Brooklyn Diocese where he entered St. John’s Seminary in 1906, directed by  the Vincentian priests.  While Bernard was very sociable and athletic, his love for Jesus grew deeper..  

 After his ordination to the priesthood on June 1, 1912, Father Quinn was temporarily assigned to several churches and received a permanent position in 1914 at St. Gregory the Great Church in Brooklyn as curate.  He zealously fulfilled his priestly duties and wrote several pamphlets encouraging others.

In the course of preparing two Black women for Baptism in the Church, Father Quinn was inspired to begin an apostolate to Blacks, who he lamented, were neglected by the diocese.  He expressed his interest to Bishop Charles McDonnell, but he could not give Father Quinn an attentive ear, since he was very pre-occupied in recruiting chaplains to serve the American forces fighting overseas in the First World War. 

Father Quinn volunteered for military service and was assigned to France. Shortly after arriving there, the war ended (November 11, 1918), but Father Quinn remained in the country to minister to the sick and wounded soldiers in army hospitals.  After reading "The Story of a Soul", the life of St. Therese of Lisieux, which he found by chance in the library of his army barracks, he was overwhelmed with fascination about the saint.  After discovering that he was stationed in the vicinity of Alencon where St. Therese had lived as a child, he obtained permission to visit her home.  He was the first priest to celebrate Mass there before it became a popular shrine. 

Returning to the diocese in 1919, Father Quinn received permission the following year from Bishop McDonnell to begin his mission to the Black people of Brooklyn, and he took to the streets in search of his flock.   The Colored Catholic Club joined forces with him in raising funds to start their church.  A former Protestant church that had been converted into a warehouse depot was bought by Father Quinn and restored.The building was blessed and dedicated to St. Peter Claver, February 26, 1922. 

With the growing state of homelessness among Black children in the late 1920’s prior to the 1929 Depression, Father Quinn responded by buying land in Wading River, Long Island and setting up an orphanage there for them in 1928.  The local Wading River residents were however enraged by his opening a home for Black children in their community.  The KKK led the residents in a firestorm of opposition against the orphanage and burnt it down to the ground.  Father Quinn was not intimidated by his hate-filled opponents and quickly built a second structure but that too was totally incinerated.  He did not buckle under the forces of hate and courageously stood up to the KKK and their followers, in his unflinching determination to keep the orphanage where it was.  

Through the heavenly intervention of St. Therese, Father Quinn’s life was spared and this third attempt to build an orphanage was successful.  It was dedicated as the Little Flower House of Providence, October 26, 1930.  Father Quinn received from his good friend,  (St.) Mother Katherine Drexel  the generous services of her Congregation, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, to staff his orphanage and parish school.  They were succeeded in 1937 by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Soon after the dedication of the new orphanage, Father Quinn completed his new Parish Institute, a multi-purpose building encompassing the parish school, convent and parish center.  The latter contained a gymnasium with a stage for performances.  There was also an indoor running track, basement bowling lanes, doctor’s clinic, and meeting and storage rooms.  The Beaux-Arts citadel type building was not only prized by the parish but it was the pride of all Brooklyn, receiving a bronze plaque in 1932 from the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce for being "the most distinguished building of matchless proportions to be erected in the borough" in 1931.

 Father Quinn succeeded in achieving high academic standards for his parish school, comparable to the best schools of the diocese.  The sports program at the parish center also excelled in city-wide championships, particularly baseball.  With is open door policy in admitting people to the parish, irrespective of their race or religion, Blacks flocked to the parish center from all parts of Brooklyn and Manhattan to play basketball and other sports. White youths played there as well.  The parish institute became a Mecca for entertainment for the Black community of the area. 

A man of prayer, Father Quinn spent free moments during the day before the Blessed Sacrament.  He found fulfillment in his daily celebration of the Eucharist, which nourished him spiritually and provided the stamina which he bore valiantly for his work.  The rosary was very much a daily prayer and he had a most profound devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Father’s own heart, like the heart of Christ, flowed over with endless outpouring of God’s love for those who were down-and-out, the hapless sinner and all who needed his services. 

Father Quinn died at 52 years of age on April 7, 1940. Thousands of people at the funeral mourned his death but celebrated his passing into everlasting life. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024



In 1971, Sisters Bernard Coleman and Verona La Bud from St. Scholastica's Benedictine Abbey in Duluth,  published a comprehensive 368-page biography of the missionary titled Masinaigans, meaning “little book.” This nickname, given by the Chippewa, referred to the priest’s constant companion, his diary. They also called him Meshidong, meaning “Long Beard.” Who is this pioneer missionary?

 MONSIGNOR JOSEPH BUH (pronounced Boo) was a pioneering missionary whose remarkable life and enduring legacy continues to inspire many. He was born on the feast of St. Patrick in 1833, in present-day Slovenia. He dedicated his life to serving Native American communities and immigrant populations in Minnesota, leaving a mark on the region’s spiritual and cultural landscape. Even the secular paper calls him a “patriarch of the Diocese of Duluth.

Coming to the United States in 1864, his extraordinary ministry was characterized by a profound commitment to the spiritual and physical well-being of those he served. He was instrumental in establishing 57 parishes and played a pivotal role as the vicar general of the Diocese of Duluth.     

Msgr. Buh’s life showed great humility, zeal, and unwavering faith. His dedication to the sacraments of the Church was profound, but equally inspiring was his dedication to the communities he served. In the 1880s, the iron ore mining boom brought a flood of new immigrants to the area.

In addition to being familiar with various Native dialects, Msgr. Buh could preach fluently in German, Polish, French and English, making him a very effective missionary to the various European immigrants settling in northern Minnesota mining towns.

He also became an advocate for the immigrant workers, who were often being subjected to unfair wages and dangerous working conditions. He tirelessly worked to meet their spiritual needs as well as advocate for better working conditions and just treatment.

In 1891, he established what would become the first Slovenian newspaper in the United States. From 1892 to 1898, he served as the editor and publisher of Amerikanski Slovenec. Initially, he managed everything for the paper, from creating layout copy to overseeing typesetting and printing. He put in long hours to ensure the newspaper’s success, driven by his goal to “better the Slovenians in America.”

His efforts in founding the American Slovene Catholic Union and his work among the Native American tribes underscore his commitment to fostering communities and supporting those in need.

During Msgr. Buh’s funeral Mass, the second bishop of Duluth, Timothy McNicholas, said that Msgr. Buh’s “love for souls was beyond our power to measure...

The casual observer would not even direct his attention to the extraordinary zeal of this gentle apostle. It is only when one realizes the great harvest that he has reaped that one is forced to take into account the many and deep furrows that he plowed in the harvest fields of Christ.

His zeal for souls was ever a burning fire. No journey on foot, no distance by horseback was too long or too trying provided a soul was to be helped at the journey’s end. He would set out with a trust in God realizing that God’s love of souls was infinite and that he was but the dispenser of the riches of God’s sacramental graces. He was ever willing to make every sacrifice in the performance of duty for the salvation of souls.”

The bishop had instructed the funeral director to make the casket metal-lined, as he considered his vicar general ‘a saint’. Even though he died over 100 years ago, many still come to the Duluth cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, laying flowers at his tomb and asking intercession for various needs.  We pray we will soon have another American saint..

Friday, October 4, 2024



Another Ukrainian musician who has caught my attention lives in the USA. While I can’t say her music is my favorite, being very modern, I am impressed by her work and dedication to her country. Being from Kharkiv, Ukraine, pianist NADIA SHPACHENKO was shocked to see the destruction of her home and the massacre of her people. Nadia came to the US as a teenager when she received an invitation and a full scholarship to study piano with Victor Rosenbaum at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge in 1994.


But she still has many friends in Ukraine, so when invasion took place on her birthday in February 2022, she began  coloring her hair purple with gold streaks, the colors of her country’s flag. Her city was close to Russia hence she grew up speaking Russian.  Only now is she learning Ukrainian.  Her father still lives in the Ukraine, refusing to leave.  He is helping her daily, via internet, to learn the language and she watches Ukrainian TV as well.

Nadia completed her DMA and MM degrees at the University of Southern California, where she was awarded the title of Outstanding Graduate. Her principal teachers included John Perry, Victor Rosenbaum, and Victor Derevianko. She is a Steinway Artist and professor of music at Cal Poly Pomona University. 

Her specialty is premiering, performing, recording, and promoting music by living composers. Much of it was written specifically for her. She has mainly worked with composers in the US, but since the war she is focusing as well on Ukrainian composers. 

“I love sharing my imagination and ideas with composers and hearing their feedback as I learn their pieces, and then bringing their works to life for the first time and sharing them with audiences. I strongly believe that this is a very important task for performers—to promote newly-written music. This helps keep classical music alive, exciting, and relevant, and will leave repertoire for future generations to play.”

In a way to express her feelings of despair and anger, she decided to put together a new album to support Ukraine humanitarian aid with 100% of the proceeds benefitting Ukrainian people affected by the war. She also has been performing fundraising concerts featuring music by Ukrainian composers, which is good for us in the West as so much of this music in unknown here.

On my birthday in February 2022, the war started, Lewis Spratlan began writing Invasion, and the character of our plan for a CD of his works shifted. Positivity, defiance, perseverance, peace, nostalgia, recollections, and hope – all are displayed by the people in Ukraine, and all are reflected in the pieces on this disk. Even as all of us are comforted by timeless beauty, we are periodically reminded of the tragedy of the present. I commissioned Ukrainian artists to create paintings/artworks to use in this booklet and in the accompanying music videos, as their responses to the music. Also featured are drawings/artworks made by children in Kharkiv, as their responses to the war. Proceeds from this album will be donated to Ukraine humanitarian aid organizations. –Nadia Shpachenko

When asked how people can help support those in Ukraine, Nadia said “to promote Ukrainian culture through the arts.”  I certainly have tried through this Blog since the war started, as well as the prayers of all in the monastery on our small Salish Sea island.

Sunday, September 29, 2024



I always said that if and when I visited Australia, I would also hit New Zealand.  What I did not know, till I got to Australia, is NZ is as far away from Australia as California is from New York.  Hence, I never got to NZ, but still news from there fascinates me. I recently found this- from the NZ Herald.

In a historic moment for New Zealand’s Māori, the 27-year-old and the youngest child of Kīngi Tūheitia, Ngā Wai hono I te pō, has been anointed as the new MAORI Queen and leader of the Kīngitanga movement.

 Ngā Wai hono i te pō becomes the eighth Māori monarch, continuing a direct lineage from the first Māori King.  She was annointed by Archbishop Don Tamihere.

The new queen’s grandmother, Māori Queen, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, requested before her death in 2006 that her granddaughter convert to Catholicism.

In a significant cultural and spiritual unity gesture, during the Tira Hoe Waka, the annual canoe journey down the Whanganui River, the Queen asked the bishop to baptise her granddaughter at Parakino (200 miles from Aukland).

The baptism was a symbolic act to “join the two Rivers” of Waikato and Whanganui, with hopefully the forging of a powerful bond between the Tainui Waka of Waikato and the Aotea and Takitimu Waka of Whanganui.  The baptism represented a unification of faiths, bridging the Kīngitanga movement and the Catholic Church.

 Pīhopa Mariu was of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, an important whakapapa to the Region. He followed up on the Māori Queen’s request and baptised Ngawai at Huntly. Hence, her name arose, ‘Ngāwai Hono ki Parikino’, the “Joining of the Rivers”.

 This act of spiritual diplomacy aimed to strengthen ties between two significant Māori communities, blending traditional Māori customs with Catholic practices.

 The late Queen’s initiative highlights the ongoing efforts of Māori leaders to foster unity and understanding across different iwi and religious traditions, continuing the legacy of cultural preservation and interfaith dialogue in New Zealand.

 NZ First MP Shane Jones commented on the appointment, saying “She will be the face of renewal” and suggesting she may “personify the aspirations” of Māori youth.

 As the only daughter and youngest child of Kīngi Tūheitia, she has been groomed for this role and is poised for what could be a long reign, carrying forward the legacy of the Kīngitanga movement.

 Te Tiriti o Waitangi lawyer Annette Sykes, who has spent her career fighting for the rights of Māori, said the new Queen represents the future she has been aiming for.

 “She’s inspiring, the revitalisation and reclamation of our language has been a 40 year journey for most of us and she epitomises that, it is her first language, she speaks it with ease. Political, economic and social wellbeing for our people is at the heart of what she wants and in many ways she is like her grandmother, who was adored by the nation.”

Friday, September 27, 2024






VENERABLE FELIX de JESUS ROUGIER was born in Meilhaud, France, in 1859. After completing his primary studies, Felix entered the school-seminary of Le Puy. At age 18, during a talk on the missions in Oceania, he felt God's call and decided to become a missionary and entered the novitiate of the Marist Fathers. 

He was ordained to the priesthood on September 24, 1887. After his Ordination, he was assigned to the Marist Scholasticate in Barcelona, Spain, where he taught Sacred Scripture for eight years. 

On July 12, 1895, Father Felix was sent to Colombia. There, he developed a fruitful ministry as a teacher, preacher, apostle of the poor, military chaplain, local superior of his community, and the interim Vicar General of the Diocese of Tolima. At that time, Colombia's civil war was escalating, so the Marist superiors decided to send their religious to Mexico. 

In 1901, Father Felix was appointed pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Mexico City. While serving the French community in the Mexican capital, he experienced a growing desire for a deeper spiritual life and asked the Holy Spirit to lead him. His first encounter with the mystic Venerable Concepción Cabrera occurred on February 4, 1903.  He heard her confession but in a turn of events, she wound up advising him. "She revealed to me all the nooks and crannies of my soul...that I needed to make a conscious effort to give myself to the service of God: that I should make a new start."

That first meeting with such a holy woman of God reinforced in him the desire to live a life of perfection.  At this time, Father Felix added Jesus to his name as a sign of his complete belonging to the Lord.

Feeling called to begin a new religious community, he started a long and serious discernment process, openly consulting with many ecclesiastical officials. He left for France on July 16, 1904, to ask his superior's permission to start the foundation of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. 

His request was denied, and he was ordered to cut communications with Mexico. He obeyed his superiors, and for the following ten years, he lived what he described as his "exile" in Europe. In 1913 Pope St. Pius X gave permission for the foundation. Father Felix returned to Mexico, and the Congregation was founded on December 25, 1914.

Father Felix's apostolic zeal also led him to the foundation of three religious communities of women: the Daughters of the Holy Spirit on January 12, 1924, the Oblates of Jesus the Priest on February 9, 1924, and the Missionaries Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit on September 15, 1930. 

He had a special love for priests and the priesthood. In times of religious persecution in Mexico, he promoted an inter-diocesan seminary in the United States and founded a house for priests in Mexico City. 
On September 24, 1937, Father Felix celebrated his priesthood's golden jubilee, surrounded by the love of his spiritual daughters and sons. He had earned a reputation for his holiness of life, and people recognized him as a man of God.

 At the end of his life, he said, "In my life, Jesus has done it all" and, "With Mary everything, and without her, nothing."

Venerable Felix of Jesus  died on January 10, 1938. In June of 2000, Pope St. John Paul II acknowledged his Christian virtues to be those of a heroic degree and declared him Venerable.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


BL. LADUSLAUS BATTHYANY-STRATTMANN was born in 1870 in Dunakiliti, Hungary, into an ancient noble family. He was the sixth of 10 brothers. In 1876 the family moved to Austria. When Ladislaus was 12 years old his mother died. At a young age he knew what his path in life would be. He often said: "When I grow up, I will be a doctor and give free treatment to the sick and the poor".

When he was preparing for his university studies, Ladislaus's father wanted him to receive the education he would need to look after the family property. Ladislaus therefore enrolled in agriculture studies at the University of Vienna, where he also studied chemistry, physics, philosophy, literature and music. It was not until 1896 that he began to study medicine in which he obtained a degree in 1900. 

In 1898, he married Countess Maria Teresa Coreth, a deeply religious woman. Their marriage was a happy one  and produced 13 children. The family attended Mass daily, and  after Mass Ladislaus would give the children a catechism lesson and assign each one a concrete act of charity for that day. Every evening after they prayed the Rosary they would review the day and the assigned act of charity.

In 1902, Ladislaus opened a private hospital in Kittsee with beds for 25 patients. Here he began working as a general practitioner, later specializing as a surgeon and oculist. During the First World War, the hospital was enlarged to admit 120 wounded soldiers.

On the death of his uncle, Ödön Batthyány-Strattmann, in 1915, Ladislaus inherited the Castle of Körmend, in Hungary. He also inherited the title "Prince" and the name "Strattmann". In 1920 his family moved from Kittsee to Körmend. They turned one wing of the castle into a hospital that specialized in ophthalmology.

 Ladislaus became a well-known specialist in this field, both in Hungary and abroad. He was also known as a "doctor of the poor", and the poor flocked to him for assistance and advice. He treated them free of charge; as the "fee" for their medical treatment and hospital stay, he would ask them to pray an "Our Father" for him. The prescriptions for medicines were also free of charge and, in addition to providing them with medical treatment, he often gave them financial assistance.

 As well as the physical health of his patients, Ladislaus was also concerned with their spiritual health. Before operating he would ask God to bless the operation. He was convinced that as the medical surgery was his domain, he was still an instrument in God's hands, and that the healing itself was a gift of God. Before his patients were discharged from the hospital, he would present them with an image of Our Lord and a spiritual book entitled: "Open your eyes and see". He was considered a "saint" by his patients and even by his own family.

 When Ladislaus was 60 years old, he was diagnosed with a tumor of the bladder. He was admitted to the Löw Sanatorium in Vienna. This was to be the greatest trial of his life. His patience and charity were unfailing. From the sanatorium he wrote the following words to his daughter, Lilli: "I do not know how long the good Lord will make me suffer. He has given me so much joy in my life and now, at the age of 60, I must also accept the difficult moments with gratitude".

To his sister he said: "I am happy. I am suffering atrociously, but I love my sufferings and am consoled in knowing that I support them for Christ".

 Blessed Ladislaus died in Vienna on 22 January 1931 after 14 months of intense suffering. He was buried in the family tomb in Güssing. His lifelong motto had been: "In fidelity and charity".