Amazing how
working on the life of one saint leads us to another. Sometimes I think they
gather in Heaven discussing who needs to be noticed next! Another woman who devoted her life to the sanctification
CASINI, foundress of the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
She was
born in Frascati (Italy) among the area's aristocracyin 1864. A contemplative and apostolic soul
who was favored by profound mystical experiences, she understood the plea of
the Heart of Jesus to offer her life as an oblation of prayer and reparation to
support priests.
On the day Teresa had made her First Communion, she was in
the family chapel of her home when she looked at the crucified Jesus on the
cross and was moved to tears thinking about the suffering and abandonment He
had suffered. The wounded Heart of Jesus pierced by a thorn flooded her mind.
That memory defined the thrust of her life from that day on, and she was
driven by her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
traveled to Rome for
her studies at the Santa Rufina boarding school that the nuns of the Madams of
the Sacred Heart conducted. Due to a
period of ill health, she had to leave school and return home for recuperation.
after she turned eighteen, she responded to her vocation and met Father Arsenio
Pellegrini who became her guide and her spiritual director and who served as the
Abbot of the Basilian Monks of Grottaferrata.
Despite entering the convent, ill health forced her to leave, though she
attempted to enter once again yet failed due to the death of the foundress
after which the institute she joined ceased to exist.

It was not
until 1925 that she started the special work of the "Little Friends of
Jesus" in order to promote and to cultivate the vocations of
prospective priests. As time went on, the Oblates responded to requests from
pastors in parishes to help them in their rectories and schools of religion.
This led to filling the urgent need for homes for priests recuperating from
serious illnesses, for retired priests and for those working outside the parish.
her life, she offered "the oblation of herself, in faithful response to
the Love that overflows from the open Heart of the Savior, and which she
imparted to so many daughters and priests". This even earned the praise
of Pope (St.) Pius X in
1904 who wrote: "In order to bring about the reign of Jesus Christ,
nothing is more necessary than the sanctity of the clergy. God bless these
sisters for their selfless love for these men of God, for through them, through
the sacraments, we are fortified and purified for the journey".
Bl. Maria Teresa suffered a stroke in 1925, and a
more severe one two years later. She remained bedridden for the rest of her
life, while directing the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from her
bedside. She went to her eternal reward in the early morning of April 3, 1937,
in Grottaferrata.
Her final
words were: "I am peaceful. I feel God is near
me".She was beatified in 2015.