Teresa had a great desire to consecrate her life to God, but her father had already decided on her marriage to Officer Raffaele De Blasi. Teresa accepted the will of her father, trusting in God. Her husband's work commitments brought Teresa from one city to another. Despite this and never neglecting her family duties, she had a profound love for the Eucharist and love of the poor.

In 1895, in one of the many transfers of her husband, she arrived in
Although she was of a noble and wealthy family, she lived as the poor, trusting with particular devotion in the help of Divine Providence. The charitable projects she started, were supported by important spiritual fathers as well as by a deep friendship with Bl. Teresa Grillo Michel, also a foundress.
In the various stages of spouse, mother, foundress, widow, Teresa shortly before dying, was able to realize her dream of becoming a nun, consecrating herself as a spouse of Christ. She died in
While she is considered an Italian saint, she was born in our own country, so we have a share in her life and holiness.
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