Sunday, September 12, 2021



Pope Francis encouraged Catholics at the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest to spend more time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to become more like Christ.

“The Eucharist is here to remind us who God is. It does not do so just in words, but in a concrete way, showing us God as bread broken, as love crucified and bestowed.

Today, as in the past, the cross is not fashionable or attractive. Yet it heals us from within. Standing before the crucified Lord, we experience a fruitful interior struggle, a bitter conflict between ‘thinking as God does’ and ‘thinking as humans do.

There is God’s side and the world’s side. The difference is not between who is religious or not, but ultimately between the true God and the ‘god of self.

How different is Christ, who presents Himself with love alone, from all the powerful and winning messiahs worshiped by the world. Jesus unsettles us; He is not satisfied with declarations of faith, but asks us to purify our religiosity before His cross, before the Eucharist.

Let us allow Jesus the Living Bread to heal us of our self-absorption, open our hearts to self-giving, liberate us from our rigidity and self-concern, free us from the paralyzing slavery of defending our image, and inspire us to follow Him wherever He would lead us.

The Christian journey is not a race towards ‘success;’ it begins by stepping back, finding freedom by not needing to be at the center of everything.

It is to step out each day ... to an encounter with our brothers and sisters. The Eucharist impels us to this encounter, to the realization that we are one Body, to the willingness to let ourselves be broken for others,”

The Holy Father commended the example of  Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and Elizabeth Czacka who were beatified on Sunday in Warsaw, Poland. (See Blog  5/24/2021)

“May the example of these new Blesseds encourage us to transform darkness into light with the power of love.

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