Tuesday, April 30, 2019


The Vatican  has recently announced 6 young lay women who are being considered for canonization.  Two are martyrs- an example to all young women today that one can be “a normal youth”, yet still be in love with the Lord and willing to die for Him. They were born a year apart and died a year apart.

The first young woman is  SERVANT of GOD SANTA SCORESE who was born in Bari, Italy in 1968 and murdered in 1991. Santa attended university studying education. She Santa  was very active in Christian apostolate and also worked with the Red Cross, especially involved  with children who had suffered from polio  and muscular dystrophy.   

She also became a member of the Focolare Movement and became a "Gen". In 1985, at the age of 17, she went to Rome to the Genfest, the gathering of the members of the movement of  Servant of God Chiara Lubich (foundress).

Santa lived the Gospel by dedicating her  life to the poor, the suffering, the lonely, making herself completely available to others. She was a member of the pastoral council, taught catechism and sang in the choir and participates with commitment in the initiatives of the Catholic Action.

Available to others, understanding of friends and ready to help those in difficulty, she became  a reference point for everyone.

At first she  decided to  consecrate herself to Christ and to the Immaculate Conception at the Institute of the Missionaries of the Immaculate "Father Kolbe" of Bologna, but over time she felt called to live in a very personal way her relationship with the Lord, and to continue her commitments to study and live a Christian life at home.

Meanwhile, a deranged young man begins to undermine her, persecute her, threaten her. For  several years he does not give her respite, he follows her everywhere, phones her, and threatens her, all of which takes away her serenity.

Late in the evening of Friday 15th March 1991, upon returning from a catechesis meeting, the irreparable happens. Sheltered by the night, that young man waits for her under the door of the house and  beats her to death.

With parents and sister

Santa  was no different from any other girl.  She loved life, yet was extraordinarily eager to seek after the "Truth”.  She fought an "inner struggle", alternating serenity and sweetness with lack of feeling and desolation. Her struggle was full of questions, graduated achievements and awareness leading to the joy and the increasing gratitude to the Lord who loves without reservations.

Santa wrote on December 30th, 1988: "Oh my God, I am in front of You, your power and your boundless love. Thank you!  You called me and I answered; now I can see all great things You have done and You still do every day in myself. Little by little You are reaching the bottom of my heart and my soul looks for You every time it needs to revive.

With friends (in middle)
Please, teach me to love, to be a kindhearted person for You and all the world.

Let me sing my Magnificat reminding everything You have done in myself and allow me to walk with Our Lady along the way leading to the endless life!" 

She was longing to involve most people in her Love for Christ.

"Thank You for loving me, for making me feel Your presence in me. I’m experiencing Your love in sorrow and in joy. Really, I feel I’m growing up, but the most beautiful observation is that I’m doing it with You."
                                                                   Diary: 10th August 1986

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